The 3.5 day class is recommended for people who require insulin to manage Diabetes. This includes individuals with newly diagnosed or longstanding Type 1 Diabetes and many people with insulin-treated Type 2 Diabetes or other type of Diabetes.
Participants attend classes on 4 consecutive days. The workshop meets for ½ day on Monday and all day the following Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Here's what you will learn:
- Understand Diabetes: its types, its causes and effects, and the goals of treatment
- Effective ways of managing lifestyle changes: exercise, diet, meal planning, weight management and prevention of low blood glucose
- How to manage insulin: principles of use, modes of action, dose adjustments
- How to test blood glucose and ketones and develop skills for adjusting therapy
- How to prevent and manage potential complications, both acute and chronic
- How to recognize the psychosocial issues: emotional adjustment to Diabetes Mellitus, the role of family and support groups
Program outline
UCSF Diabetes Teaching Center 3½-Day Insulin Workshop
Each day will allow for individual time to discuss Diabetes care regimen with educators and Endocrinologist.
MONDAY: Check-in either time to be scheduled individually
Each consultation will take approximately 1 hour:
- Diabetes-focused consultation and physical exam with an Diabetologist (MD)
- Consultation with Certified Diabetes Dietitian Educator
- Consultation with Certified Diabetes Nurse Educator
TUESDAY: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Check-in, breakfast (bring your own) and dosing consultation with RN prior to eating
- Introductions/Educational Needs Assessment
- Introduction to carbohydrates
- Counting carbohydrates using food lists, scales, measuring cups and other resources
- Sweeteners and sugar substitutes
- Reading food labels for insulin dosing
- Purposes, actions, and interactions
- Basal & Bolus insulin therapy
- Insulin delivery devices/proper needle disposal/proper lancet disposal
- Blood Glucose Monitoring
- Diabetes Distress
- Individual evaluation of Diabetes treatment
- Individual Consultation with Endocrinologist and evaluation of Diabetes managment
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Acute complications
- Check-in, breakfast (bring your own) and dosing consultation with RN
- Acute complications: Hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Sick day planning
- Use of health-care systems
- Problem solving with blood glucose records
- Travel tips
- Defining Diabetes: Types, Causes, Treatment, New research
- Review of carbohydrates
- Weight management
- Alcohol precautions
- Information on cholesterol and dietary fats
- Exercise guidelines
- Avoiding and treating low blood glucose
- Sodium recommendations
- Individual Consultation with Endocrinologist and evaluation of Diabetes management
THURSDAY: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Breakfast at home, check-in and review of overnight data
- Diabetes Technologies
- Chronic complications including foot, skin, and dental care, preventive care strategies
- Preconception care, pregnancy, and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Standards of Care
- Diabetes Control and Complications Trial and United Kingdom Study
- Hemoglobin A1c
- Setting goals to improve Diabetes management
- Review of questions
- Integrating Diabetes into one’s life and coping with your emotions
- Family support
- Community resources
- Individual Consultation with Endocrinologist and evaluation of Diabetes management
* Course outline subject to change depending upon class needs