Insulin Pump workshop

Two consecutive ½-day sessions are available for individuals who are initiating insulin pump therapy or who want advanced training. The UCSF Diabetes Teaching Center offers an insulin pump start class. This intensive course is offered every month on two consecutive mornings and taught by nurse educator, certified diabetes care educators specialist (CDCES). Each patient is evaluated by a UCSF pump educator to assess competency and readiness prior to insulin pump start class. Our educators are familiar with all insulin pump models, and can help patients decide which pump will best suit his or her needs prior to the pump start process. The course builds upon prior knowledge of diabetes management. The patient needs to demonstrate competency in the following areas before attending an insulin pump class:
  • Carbohydrate counting*
  • Insulin action*
  • Calculating insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio*
  • Calculating insulin for high blood glucose correction*
  • Blood glucose pattern interpretation*
  • Problem-solving skills*
  • Understanding increased risk of ketones on insulin pump**
  • Understanding advantages and disadvantages of insulin pump therapy**
  • Infusion set selection and placement**
  • Saline training on insulin pump**

Insulin Pump Workshops (Specific to Pump Brand)

DAY 1, 2 hours session

  • Pump training from Industry trainer and pump start

DAY 2, 3-4 hours session

  • Introductions
  • Pump initiation guidelines– monitoring blood glucose, foods, activities
  • Review insertion technique, tips on inserting infusion set
  • Living with pump – sleep, shower, sex
  • Pump specific optimization discussion
  • Hyperglycemia & ketones – when & how to check
  • Emergency care tips, miscellaneous tips
  • Travel
  • Hypoglycemia – causes and treatment
  • Temporary Removal/Disconnect
  • Exercise
  • Check out
For further information, please contact us at (415) 353-2266. A physician referral and an appointment with a UCSF pump educator are required prior to attending course. *Education offered through insulin workshop. **Education offered through one-on-one appointment in pump clinic.

What Is The UCSF Diabetes Teaching Center Pump Start Process?

UCSF insulin pump start process

Getting ready to start on the pump: (timeline 1 to 3 months)
Your Checklist:
  • meet with Diabetes Doctor
  • choose your pump
  • verify insurance coverage
  • make appointments with the pump team:
    • RN – 1 to 3 visits or more to verify self-management strategies, pump selection considerations, infusion set insertion practice and selection as well as basic insulin pump trouble shooting concepts. The last appointment must be within 4 weeks of starting the pump. Prior comprehensive Diabetes management education is required and may include the Diabetes Teaching Center Insulin Workshop
    • RD – 1 to 3 visits or more for carbohydrate counting
    • MD – You must have a recent appointment with your Doctor; one or more visits may be needed to optimize glucose managment on injections and determine future pump settings.  Attending Insulin Workshop could be an alternative optimization strategy
    • Manufacturer’s Pump Trainer – 1 visit approximately 1 week prior to your class to learn how to operate your pump and go on a trial of saline in the pump, if indicated.
II. Starting on the pump: 
You will attend an insulin pump start class on two consecutive mornings taught by certified diabetes educators.  This is when you will start pumping insulin.  You will complete a visit with your Diabetes Doctor at the end of each day.
III. Follow up: 
Work with your MD and RN to set up follow-up appointments needed for you.  Be sure to schedule your  follow-up appointments once you are given the dates for your pump class.