Krystal Kobasic
I am a nurse educator and the program coordinator for the Diabetes Teaching Center. I am a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, with a focused interest in supporting Diabetes Technologies.
Krystal Kobasic is the Program Coordinator for the University of California, San Francisco Diabetes Teaching Center. She serves as an instructor in the Diabetes Workshops, as well as sees patients individually in the Teaching Center consulting on Diabetes self-management. Krystal comes from an extensive background in Cardiothoracic Surgery, working in the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit and Mechanical Circulatory Support Service at UCSF since 2003, earning a Daisy award in 2013. She became interested in Diabetes when her husband was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes one year into dating. Krystal went on to complete a Diabetes Nurse Fellowship with UCSF and obtained her CDE in 2015 and, in 2019, transitioned to the Diabetes Teaching Center. Krystal received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Michigan in 2003 followed by a Masters in International Management, Economics and Policy from Universita Bocconi, in Milan Italy in 2005. Following her Masters she worked in Ecuador supporting the rebuilding of the Healthcare Infrastructure in the border region with Peru followed by Chagas Disease Research. She is proficient in and loves speaking Spanish. Upon return to the United States she continue with her focus on the Advanced Heart and Lung Failure population and as well as worked as a Consultant and Educator with the San Francisco Tuberculosis programs.