Complications of long-term hyperglycemia

Complications from Diabetes fall into two major categories:
Know the differences and you will be able to take effective precautions against both.

Acute Complications

Serious, life-threatening complications can arise quickly. Fortunately, such complications can go away just as quickly if you – and those closest to you -- know what to do and how to do it. Acute complications arise from uncontrolled high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) and low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) caused by a mismatching of available insulin and need. In short, you either have taken too much Diabetes medication or too little. Some acute complications require immediate medical attention.

These emergencies include:

Chronic Complications

Chronic complications tend to arise over years or decades. Often, there is damage before there are symptoms so routine screening is recommended to catch and treat problems before they occur or get worse. Learn more about chronic complications.

Problems include:

diabetes can affect various parts of your body For both acute and chronic complications, tight control of blood glucose is the best treatment. Other interventions that help keep complications to a minimum include: