Eye Complications

People with Diabetes are at risk of eye problems, ranging from minor changes with no effect on vision to significant visual loss. With regular screening and eye exams by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist), and with stable and near normal blood glucose control, most of the serious complications can be avoided or successfully treated.

Vision complications

Putting off an eye exam is very risky. Usually there are few or no symptoms at the time the damage is occurring. Exams will reveal the problem and allow your eye doctor to treat it. Treatment can slow down the progression and maintain vision even in those who have developed significant eye complications, however the best approach is prevention by optimizing blood glucose levels.

How Diabetes affects the retina

Eye complications

Healthy eyes requirements

  • Control your blood glucose
  • Control your blood pressure
  • Control your cholesterol
  • Don’t smoke and avoid second hand smoke
  • Use Ultra-violet protected eye glasses
  • See your ophthalmologist regularly and get retinal exams and eye pressure checked

Symptoms of eye emergencies

  • Loss of vision
  • Holes in vision
  • Showers of sparking white lights
  • Black curtains over vision
  • Spots of fuzzy print, hazy vision

If you have symptoms of any of the eye emergencies, seek medical care or contact your eye doctor immediately.